december 9th 2024

6:49 am i feel like fucking shit. the day just started and i already wanna end it all. i had 2 awful fucking dreams back to back and all he says is "you always do" seriously ?? is that how u comfort ur fucking girlfriend?? i get really paranoid that he is cheating on me. he follows this one girl and she kept texting him while me and him were hanging out tho he never replied. or at least when i was watching. he promises me he isn't cheating. i wanna text that girl but i know its a bad idea. i wish all these girls would just die. i'm the only one for him.

7:01 am i really hope these feelings go away and i go back to being somewhat emotionally stable. i'm def getting my period it would explain so so much. even at his house i started sobbing. he comforted me tho which was really nice, he brought me some cake and held me.